Rotary Maintenance Contract Consolidation (RMCC)


Contract # FA680020D0004

Task Order # FA680020F0004

Award Date: May 8, 2020

Expected PoP: 10 years

Consolidation of USAF AETC, AFGSC, PACAF, and the Air Force District of Washington’s requirements for helicopter organizational and intermediate level maintenance programs.

  • Perform “full spectrum”, “turn key” maintenance operations, 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7) to include: organizational and intermediate level maintenance, repairs, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, scheduled inspections, Time Compliance Technical Orders (TCTOs), Time Change Items (TCIs) and One Time Inspections (OTIs), Plans, Scheduling and Documentation (PS&D), and fleet management.
  • Launch, recover, inspect, maintain, and repair all unit assigned UH-1N and HH-60 helicopters and mission support equipment, in addition, provide Aircrew Services (pilots) for all unit assigned UH-1N, HH-60 and V-22 rotary aircraft in order to meet the Air Force District of Washington (AFDW), Air Education and Training Command (AETC), Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC), and Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) missions and additional potential missions.
  • Provide maintenance support services to include, but not limited to: aircraft ground handling, launch and recovery, pre-flight/thru-flight/basic post flight, hourly post flight, periodic/phase inspections, quality control, assistance with aircraft crash recovery, medical evacuation, fire suppression support, other contingency, designed operational capability generation or emergency support, and off-station recovery support.
  • Maintain aircraft to include inspections, exercises, deployments, static displays, incentive flights, open house (air shows), search and rescue, spouse orientation day, and change of command ceremonies that involve aircraft and/or maintenance resources.
  • Perform weapons maintenance and munitions operations to include storing and supplying weapons munitions load/install, removal, build-up and delivery, inspections, exercises, deployments, search and rescue that involve aircraft and/or maintenance resources
  • Provide world-class helicopter support to the Survival School and provide search and rescue support to the civilian community
  • Conduct safe, efficient, and effective sortie production for four hoist-equipped UH-1N helicopters

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